

There are some things

There are some things you should know when you plan to study in the U.S. For example, Americans like to
make small talk. “Small talk” includes topics, such as sports, weather, jobs, or past experiences. Most people
don’t talk about religion, politics, or personal feelings with strangers. Sex and bodily functions are not discussed.
This emotional distance does not mean people dislike you, but personal lives are discussed only with close
friends and family.
There are few ritualistic exchanges in English, but you should know that “How are you?” and “How’s it
going?” are greetings, not questions about your life. “See you later,” or “See you soon,” are ways of saying
good-bye, not appointments.
People in the U. S. are curious. They will ask you a lot of questions. Some of them may appear ridiculous,
but try to be patient in answering them. You may be the first person from your country whom they met, and they
will have very little understanding of your life. Most people are sincerely interested in learning about you.
But loud conversations usually mean people are angry. Most conversations are moderate in volume with few
gestures. Do not speak too loudly or too quietly, and keep your hands under control.
Once you understand more about Americans, you will find it easy to deal with them.

【3】46. What is a proper topic of small talk?
Religion Politics
Sports Bodily functions
【4】47. When do Americans talk about something personal?
When they do business. When they are traveling.
When they meet you the first time. When they are with family members.
【1】48. Why do American say“How’s it going?”to you?
To greet you. To know where you are going.
To check if you are okay. To show their care about your health.
【1】49. Why do Americans ask you many questions when you travel to the U. S.?
They want to know you more. They try to be polite to you.
They have been to your country. They like to help you with English.
【2】50. When do Americans talk loudly?
When they are working. When they are angry.
When they express their opinions. When they disagree with your behavior.

religion    religion
ritualistic  儀式的;固守儀式的  慣例的
exchange  交換;調換
curious  好奇的,渴望知道的
ridiculous  可笑的,荒謬的
sincerely  真誠地;誠懇地;由衷地
moderate  中等的,適度的
gesture   姿勢;手勢
