

My high school was one of

My high school was one of the best in the country.
The average score for my class on the Scholastic Aptitude Test was 615 out of 800 on the verbal part and 675 on the math part.
 This compares to only 419 and 473 nationally.
 Last year, 51% of my class was National Merit Scholars.
This is unheard of at any other school.
Take one of our classes for example,
we sat on the floor or lay on couches while we worked,
if we felt like it. We could talk whenever we wanted to.
We didn’t need permission to go to the bathroom or to leave the classroom for any other reason.
I’m not sure I ever saw my teacher give a lecture.
He was always busy ( racing around the classroom offering comments) and answering questions.
And we chose what we wanted to learn. If something interesting turned up while we were doing a project,
we could investigate it further. Considering all these qualities of my American history classes,
I’d say it was the progressive type, one that Darling-Hammond would admire.

46. How many parts of the Scholastic Aptitude Test are mentioned in the article?
Two. Three. Four. Five.

47. How many points higher than the national average did the author’s high school class score on the verbal part of
the Scholastic Aptitude Test?
51 185 196 298

48. According to the article, who decided where the students sat in the class?
Ministry of Education.
The school.
The teacher.
The students.

49. When the students wanted to leave the classroom in the American history class, what should they do?
Give a good reason.
Just leave.
Report to the teacher.
Wait till the bell rings.

50. What did the teacher of American history do in class?
Answering questions.
Fooling around.
Giving a lecture.
Quieting the class down.


 the Scholastic Aptitude Test   (學術性向測驗)
verbal   口頭的,非書面的
compare  比較,對照
National Merit Scholars.  美國高中畢業生之最高榮譽
couch  長沙發;睡椅
permission 允許,許可,同意
lecture  冗長的訓話,告誡,責備
 investigate  調查,研究
progressive  進步的;先進的;革新的
comment  評鑑,批評,意見,評論
